تنبيه هام

مدونة وظائف الامارات مدونة إعلانية مجانية متخصصة في نشر اعلانات الوظائف ولا تقوم بأي عمل تجاري أو وساطة بين المعلن والباحث عن الوظائف.
والاعلان المنشور على مسؤولية المعلن فقط. ولذلك ننبه زائري المدونة عدم دفع أي مبالغ مالية للمعلن قبل التأكد من أنه حائز على التراخيص القانونية المعتمدة في الدولة.

الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2018

waseet plus available jobs in uae 29/9/2018

أكمل المقال
.waseet plus available jobs in uae
A global company in Ajman
- - looking for outdoor
(Sales ( male & female
 - To market educational
programs - must have car
- Salary + commission +
incentives - T: 0501484666

We are currently looking
for - Accountant Nationality:
Philippines experience: 1-2
Years e–mail. : championlubr@
gmail.com - Tel. : 0505823444

Required - Kindergarten
to work i n a p rivate
school in Dubai - She has
a qualified child rearing
specialty kindergartens
Or a classroom teacher -
And 3 years of experience
in the UAE to connect /

Looking for - Technician
having five years experience
in Fire Alarm systems, prefer
Indian Nationality - to work
at Abu Dhabi - Please contact
0589350086 - Email: a. fouad.

Staff Requierd for 5 star
restaurant in Ajman - Captain
order Arabic nationality with
seafood experience - waiter
& waitress Filipino nationality
only - hosts receptionist
talking English & russian -
bike driver with valid uae
license Pls send your cv
ekramyhamdy@hotmail.co Call

Requi ed - phi l i p i na
secretary - with experience
in construction companies
- dubai al mamzar - square
building - Al Rihana office
522 - beside movenbick

Runing bakery in dubai
with good income -
looking for serious
business partner to
extend the business -
Call: 055/5570377

Required - - Specialist of
plastic surgery - To work in
the center of Dubai has the
experience – call: 0556870333

Required Fi l ipino - -
experience - Manicure and
pedicure - wax to work in
a salon in Sharjah - Tel:
0503535146/ 0505052880

A major trading company
- in Ajman is asking for
employee in call center salary
+ commission + transportation
to inquire and call 0503606880
or call 0529850759

Looking for - Engineer certified
with Abu Dhabi Civil Defense
having 5 years experience in
Fire Alarm systems - to work
at Abu Dhabi - Email: a. fouad.
hr@gmail.com - T: 0589350086

Looking for worker - for
cleaning company in
sharjah - Call: 056/7776060

PRO required to finishing
the commercial transactions
and establishing the
companies - Tell: 0561541543

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