تنبيه هام

مدونة وظائف الامارات مدونة إعلانية مجانية متخصصة في نشر اعلانات الوظائف ولا تقوم بأي عمل تجاري أو وساطة بين المعلن والباحث عن الوظائف.
والاعلان المنشور على مسؤولية المعلن فقط. ولذلك ننبه زائري المدونة عدم دفع أي مبالغ مالية للمعلن قبل التأكد من أنه حائز على التراخيص القانونية المعتمدة في الدولة.

السبت، 13 أكتوبر 2018

waseet plus available jobs 13/10/2018

أكمل المقال
.waseet plus jobs
Required -
accountant lady- to work full time
in Beauty centers
in Dubai - Call

Looking for - marketing
employee on websites
and social media -
Female - has experience
i n the design of
websites - to work at
institute in Sharjah -
Salary + commission
- cal l & whatsapp

Math teacher - AbuDhabi Residents- ladies only)
 is needed We need
a bilingual teacher who
speaks English and Arabic
«FLUENTLY» send cv: jobs@
kineticeducation.me - call

Looking for
Shawarma c hef -
Syrian or Lebanese
- has experience - Call:

Required - F secretary for law
office, Diera good
looking, speak
Arabic, English &
computer, salary
3500 contact send
CV with fresh photo
to 0506150660

Required - well
experienced Female
candidate for
Receptionist - Facial
therapist - Manicurist
pedicurist - Waxing -
Massage - Hair stylist
- Threading - Make up
- Eyebrow styling for a
well known spa - Call

Looking for - female
legal - to work at lawyer
office in dubai - knows
English, secretarial and
court review - send cv to:
m. wahid@malawyer.ae
- Call: 054/4553631 - Call:

Required - an
agricultural engineer
experience in pest
control - to work in the
company of cleaning
and insect control - In
Sharjah - Priority for
the experienced - Call:

Required Car
Electrician - Have
experience - Arabic
Nationality -
required German
cars brand examiner
by computer and
identify faults and
errors - Arabic
Nationality has
also experience in
German cars - to
work in Sharjah - for
residents in the UAE
– Tel: 0505767255 /

Required a female trainer for
Swimming, Zumba,
Aerobic to work in
Sports Academy
in Ajman please
contact 0565711499
or send C. V to

A Pakistani or an Indian
is required to work for
a company in Dubai
- driver of Forcleft
contact 0566762040
and 0509610812

المصدر: وظائف شاغرة في الامارات.

إقرأ أيضاً

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